Solution. Proof of tsar

In order to solve existing problems, we propose several changes in the architecture of the blockchain, affecting communication protocols, network infrastructure, inter-network agreements, consensus algorithms, and so on.

Relictum Pro platform does not depend on the communication method, it is just a node, and how the message is delivered does not matter;

At the moment, _HyperNet's own communications technology is being used; it works over or on top of the Internet

The following networking method in the future can be used based on Bluetooth, WiFi, satellite communications, i.e., channel switching based on Bluetooth and/or WiFi and other promising protocols

Networking is the first distinctive mechanism

The existing network organization of modern blockchains is peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Relictum blockchain platform uses a unique protocol based on the TCP/IP protocol, in which a virtual communication channel with each node is formed over the Internet. The advantages of this network are its reliable stability and isolation from the general segment of the Internet. In this virtual channel, only Relictum Pro information is transmitted, which increases the data transfer speed several times

As a transport, we use a new type of network based on the fourth-level data network of the OSI model. _HyperNet is a virtual channel switching network.

The network provides a constant stable connection between all nodes for a small limited period of time (from 0.5 to 10 s), depending on the network load.

With a small network load, this gap can be up to 10 s, while with a loaded network it decreases to less than 0.5 s.

How does it work?

Network nodes are completely identical and represent a binary file with the possibility to upload and manage a registry.

When you first start the node, it automatically determines which type it belongs to

Proof of Tsar organization mechanism

There is a network regeneration every 0.5 sec (reconnection of all nodes), like the regeneration of computer RAM, led by one main node – “Tsar” and “Generals” standing under it, they collect transactions and transfer them to “Tsar” for processing. After that, “Tsar” gives blocks to “Generals,” and they distribute them further to everyone in the chain. "Tsar" and "Generals" are automatically selected and constantly changing.

Any node can be "General" and "Tsar." But “Tsar” in the next generation, after the regeneration of the network, can no longer be either “Tsar” or the “General.” Like a “General,” in turn, cannot be a “General” two times in succession.

We solved the problem of ambiguit

Thus, collisions of double expenses and other parasitic events disappear. At the same time, “Tsar” does not know that it is “Tsar” at the moment when it is “Tsar

Estimates show that the probability of a block hash collision may occur in 100 years, But this collision can only be with the hash that was 100 years ago, which makes it irrelevant. This is achieved thanks to the continuous numbering of each Master-block unit.

If the connection with the node is disconnected, the node goes into the sleep-mode (mode 4). When a connection is established with a node, the node passes the integrity check, checks the relevance of the blocks, and begins loading of the missing blocks. After that, the node goes into a network connection mode.

The ranking of nodes depends on the number of transactions that consist of:

  • The number of calls to the node – to the distributed repository for documents;

  • Time of presence in the network;

  • The number of generated transactions;

  • The number of transactions going through the node.

Block organization is the second distinctive mechanism

It is not advisable to accommodate all transactions that cannot be placed in one block in one block. This leads to a decrease in the speed of data transmission, as well as a decrease in the speed of searching for the necessary information

The distinctive mechanism is as follows: only the hash of one event (transaction) is recorded in the block, it cannot be changed.

Thus, all kinds of collisions are swept aside. In addition to recording the event hash into the block, when forming a new block, the entire hash of the previous block and + integer value is taken (we put the sequential block number in front of the block). There is a main chain of blocks – Master_Chain, which contains only the hash of a block of lower and side smart contracts

In parallel with the main Master_Chain, various independent chains are formed – these are smart contracts that organize the three-dimensional distribution, for example:

  • first smart contract — generation of tokens;

  • second smart contract — sale of goods through the store;

  • third — a crypto exchange;

  • fourth — delivery of goods, etc.

Thus, the organization of chains of smart contracts and the main Master_Chain leads to a fourdimensional model of the organization of distribution of block

The following features of the Relictum platform appear:

  • Smart contract independently monitors whether all conditions of a contract were fully fulfilled;

  • Possibility to conduct operations with different types of smart contracts, the possibility to generate new smart contracts with new type-properties or property-types;

  • Already today, in the Relictum Pro platform, a smart contract can be signed simultaneously between 10 counterparties.

A block diagram is a smart contract:

Each chain (smart contract) has an index, and each block of this chain has its own index in Master_Chain. In Master_ Chain, it is indicated from which index of this chain the appeal took place, but in fact they come one after another. The number of possible new, embedded smart contracts is unlimited.

Node (network node) – dynamics and functionalit

The nodes are all identical. When initiating, each node determines itself and the group it belongs to (as an option, it is chosen by the owner of the node manually)

Full nodes are binary executable files that can be automatically initialized t

A node is, among other things, a portfolio, it includes:

  • Possibility to create your own ICO;

  • Possibility to create your own exchange;

  • You can create your own currency (smart contract of coins, smart contract miner.

Internal opportunities

Relictum Pro allows you to confirm transactions within the network of current cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, etc. Transaction confirmations happen instantly. Even if Bitcoin has not reach the owner, a user can already immediately dispose of it.

The possibility to integrate third-party accounting systems, and documentation into the Relictum Pro platform.

External features of Relictum Pro (network):

The platform network has its own SDK for all platforms on dynamic libraries and APIs with examples for all types of programming languages (Modula, Delphi, Python, C/C ++, etc.)

Relictum Pro ensures operation with not only SDK and API protocols, but also with own protocol of blockchain-platform at a low level the socket protocol: high degree of protection, speed.

It uses its own data transfer methods that can transfer not only information, but also blocks, bytes, and entire files for external consumers. Can be used to organize external storage.

Hashing mechanism

Relictum Pro is a supplemented modification of SHA1-based hashing mathematics. The main advantage of it is in converting from 20 bytes to 32 bytes (in your own hash). This gives a high crypto-stability, including from a promising quantum computer

Solving the problem of 51% attack and other ambiguities

A single node, makes a decision within 0.5 to 10 seconds, the network is updated (regenerates) and another main node is selected, it collects instructions, forms blocks and distributes them to all nodes, i.e., the network changes dynamically every second. This gives an advantage, which excludes various kinds of ambiguities – collisions, double spending, and other things. There are no standard consensus principles. The more nodes are in the network, the better is the performance. This is achieved by the unique architecture of Proof of Tsar and the organization of the virtual circuit switching network

Distributed storage

A distributed storage does not require confirmation of data receipt. Thanks to the organization of various chains of smart contracts, the system accelerates the search for fragmented files and their viewing. According to the empirical data, the download speed is significantly faster than the P2P network.


Storage of any digitized documents and a set of data, files in any volume with instant access to any stored information. Distributed data remains forever in the system, unlike any hosting.

The copyright is automatically organized with the recognition of intellectual digitized work and a pirated copy. The author’s reward for the use of the work is automated, bypassing intermediaries (using the smart Copyright contract).

Secured storage and key management

The founder of the smart contract concept, Nick Sabo, put forward three unsolved problems:

  • Secure storage and key management;

  • Decentralized exchanges;

  • Making second-level solutions more user-friendly, especially through automatic routing, at the same time, without neglecting the minimization of trust.

How does our biometric facial recognition system work:

A person’s hash is taken, in conjunction with SecureCall – the confirmation of a transaction with a phone call. During a call, the user enters a password using a DTMF signal along with the following solutions:

  • After a successful transaction, the private key loses its relevance, and the client is inevitably obliged to generate a new key (or this is done automatically);

  • The public hash from the concatenation hash [Token + pass phrase] or [Token + random text] in binary form is recorded in the smart contract chain;

  • It is possible to use 2 short keys with a sequential check, after checking the 1st key (regardless of the result of the check), it is proposed to enter the second key. The mechanism assumes, after the 1st check, to output a string that is the hash of the 2nd key, which means a hacker will need to pick up the 2nd key without knowing, in general, whether the hash of the 1st key is correct. To prevent hacking, it is possible to limit the number of attempts

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