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Launch of RELICTUM PRO – TESTNET with access for Android devices

The basic concept of Relictum PRO

The basic concept of RELICTUM PRO is the development of a safe, high-performance ecosystem of decentralized applications (smart contracts) created both by RELICTUM PRO and dynamic ones – developed by the community to ensure transparent and free work within different areas of the economy of the state, enterprise or public service.

In general, this ecosystem can be divided into three fundamental levels:

Level 1 is a network of distributed nodes (nodes) independent of the device type, connected through an innovative type of consensus (Proof Of Tsar) with distributed storage, super-fast, and secure cryptography.

Level 2. These are high-performance and secure decentralized smart contracts that conduct business in the stable cryptocurrency.

Level 3 - these are applications for various platforms running the most popular operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS x, Ios, Android, etc. Interfaces for integration with various existing systems; training materials and other tools for developing and promoting ecosystem access

Terms and conditions of access to RELICTUM PRO TESTNET

The important step on the way of any technology company is the period of product launching in a test mode with the ability to access an audience aimed at getting to know the product, exploring all its capabilities, as well as identifying shortcomings and various inaccuracies.

This period always goes through several stages, the main purpose of which is to check the operability of all system nodes for a large number of users, to receive feedback from the first users about all inaccuracies and minor flaws.

The launch of RELICTUM PRO TESTNET will be carried out in several phases, stages.

  1. At the first stage, nodes and other important components, as well as limited access to the network through a mobile application based on the Android platform, will be provided to all registered users who purchased GTN tokens to check the operability of all network.

  2. In the second stage, applications for other platforms, such as Windows, Ios and Mac OS X, which are already undergoing the debugging phase and are being prepared for release, will be gradually added.

  3. At the third stage, access will be expanded for a wider audience after checking by all users already registered, and having purchased GTN tokens, besides changes, will be added, as well as corrections and improvements found earlier during application operation.

Instructions for downloading and installing Android-based application

Due to the fact that the Android platform is more friendly for installing and running applications that perform complex operations within the operating system (working with a network is considered to be such operation), working with RAM, complex calculations, etc.

The project team has chosen this platform for the first stage, besides the installation of the .APK application is possible without preliminary registration of the application with Google’s PlayMarket, which, in turn, is not an ideal scenario for distributing the product, but it’s acceptable at the launch stage, provided that the Android-based application from Relictum PRO is already undergoing registration and verification in Google’s PlayMarket.

The installation instructions for the first stage are as follows:

  1. Register on the Relictum PRO website.

  2. Purchase GTN tokens worth at least $1.

  3. Go to the company website page to download the file for the Android platform (This action must be carried out on the mobile device)

  4. Download and install the application on your device.

  5. Go to the registration menu, indicate your email used when registering on the site, specify your password, and create an account.

Important: After installing the application and completing the registration process, the system will create a special file with private keys on your device, which will imply the ability to access the ecosystem only from your device with these private keys.

In case of data loss, system reinstalling, or transferring data for access to another user, it will be impossible to log in to the system with the specified email, in such case new registration is required, and since the access is allowed only to a limited circle at the first stage, you will need to write to technical support service.

What is Relictum Pro?

Relictum Pro is the endless distributed registry with the advanced smart contract system that describes (formalizes) any event in human life, starting from the sale of some goods and services, logistic events accounting, ending with tracking copyright rights and interaction with legal entities, including a number of self-executing transactions (smart contracts) in any field of activity.

Relictum Pro is a self-organizing, self-developing network that is expressed in constant self-ranking of nodes according to several criteria, with the assignment of a reliability coefficient to each node in the system.

Relictum Pro has several primary features:

  • Smart contracts are used to formalize any kind of activities where an event occurs;

  • A smart contract independently monitors whether the certain conditions of a contract were fully fulfilled.

  • Thanks to Relictum Pro system, the code is absolutely protected from any third-party interference that is, no attacker can modify the source code of a smart contract between two (or more) nodes;

  • This is an opportunity to carry out operations with different types and properties of smart contracts;

  • The ability to generate new smart contracts with new type properties or property types;

  • A smart contract can be concluded simultaneously between 10 counterparties in our system;

  • The weight (size) of one block in Relictum Pro is about 120 bytes, which is 8000 times less than in a Bitcoin block.

Relictum Pro is a scalable, hypermodern blockchain, looking forward to the future, a product that can be used with more powerful processors, with the latest electronic and computer technologies, including optical and quantum computers.

What is a smart contract?

This is a self-executing transaction with instant access.

Where can I use Relictum Pro?

Relictum Pro is an endless distributed registry with an advanced smart contract system that describes (formalizes) any event in human life, starting from the sale of any goods and services, accounting of logistic events, ending with tracking copyright rights and interaction with legal entities and including a number of self-executing transactions (smart contracts) in any field of activity.

Relictum Pro is a complete blockchain platform, intended for the public, commercial, and private activities.

What is a node?

Nodes are network cells; the bodies of nodes are completely identical – binary files that can download and control the registry.

All nodes are identical. During the initiation, each node defines itself and the group it belongs to (optionally, it can be manually selected by a node owner).

Full nodes are binary executable files that can be automatically initialized as a Master node, Lite node, Private node, Slip node, Cloud node.

Among other things, a node is a portfolio that has:

  • The ability to create own ICO;

  • The ability to create own exchange;

  • The ability to create own currency (smart coin contract, smart miner contract).

What is blockchain?

This is a sequential chain of blocks (linked list) built according to certain rules, where each next block has a hash of a previous one.

This is a global, large-scale, distributed registry that works with millions of computers and accessible to everyone. Any values, from money to music, can be stored, moved, exchanged, and managed without powerful intermediaries (such as banks, corporations, up to state). Information is distributed across the global registry. Here people can fully trust each other everywhere and collaborate on an equal footing. This trust is based not on the authority of an organization, but on cooperation, cryptography, and smart code.

Why Relictum Pro?

Relictum Pro is Blockchain 5.0, a new network that includes every feature of a previous blockchain along with some revolutionary innovations.

What is the P2P network type?

The existing systems currently use the P2P network type, which is the basis of not only message transfer, but also the storage of fragment files – distributed storage (based on packet switching (Internet), which implies delivery confirmation, unnecessary headers in a package body, and also uses the power of the central processor on the assembly of fragments. P2P was used to transfer files to file hosting services. File sharing services were needed to ensure the possibility of downloading movies, programs, and documents. One node connects to several others and downloads data in parts from these nodes. Thus, the download speed approached the maximum value of the network card and the speed of a provider.

TCP/IP Protocol

The Relictum Pro blockchain platform uses a unique protocol based on the TCP/IP, in which a virtual communication channel with each node is formed over the Internet.

The advantages of this network are its reliable stability and isolation from the general segment of the Internet. Only Relictum Pro information is transmitted in this virtual channel, which increases the data transfer speed by several times.

What is the organizational mechanism of Proof of Tsar?

A network regeneration occurs every 0.5 sec. (re-switching of all the nodes), similar to the refreshing of RAM memory in a PC. It is headed by a single main node, a Tsar, and Generals underneath it. They collect transactions and transfer them to Tsar for processing. After that, Tsar distributes blocks to Generals, and they distribute them further to every other node of the chain. Tsar and Generals are selected automatically and are constantly changing.

Any node can be both a General and a Tsar. But in the next generation after the regeneration of a network, Tsar-node can no longer be either a Tsar or a General. And a General-node also cannot be a general twice in a row.

What is Master_Chain?

Master_Chain is the main chain of blocks in which only the hash of any lower block and side smart contract is written.

Various independent chains are formed in parallel with the main Master_Chain; these are smart contracts that organize three-dimensional distribution.

What is a distributed storage?

A distributed storage does not require acknowledgment of data reception.

The organization of various chains of smart contracts accelerates the search for fragmented files and viewing them. According to empirical data, download speed is significantly faster than that in the P2P network.

How does biometric facial recognition work:

A face hash is taken, together with SecureCall – the confirmation of transaction using a phone call. A password is entered during a call, using the DTMF signal along with the following solutions:

  • After a successful transaction, a private key loses its relevance, and a client must generate a new key (otherwise this is done automatically);

  • A public hash from the concatenation hash [Token + pass phrase] or [Token + random text] is recorded in the smart contract chain in binary form;

  • One can use two short keys with a sequential check. After checking the 1st key (regardless result of the check), it is proposed to enter the second key. After the 1st check, the mechanism assumes to produce a string, which is a hash of the 2nd key, which means a hacker has to pick up the 2nd key, not knowing whether the hash of the 1st key is correct. Besides, we can limit the number of attempts to exclude hacking.

What is the difference between Relictum Pro and its competitors?

Currently, Relictum Pro cannot be compared with the existing projects. A Comparison with Competitor concept is not relevant for Relictum Pro, since keeping in mind the challenges of modern networking in the provided way of communication, we do not use HyperNet at all.

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What is tokenomics?

The set of economic rules and models that provide the functioning of the economy of the token-based project.

What is genesis-token?

Genesis Tokens are tokens that express the intellectual property (IP) right of Relictum Pro network code issued in the amount of 10,000,000,000 GTN and distributed during the corresponding token sale rounds among early investors who believed in a mathematically based concept and Relictum Pro network.

What are wrapped coins?

Wrapped coins are digital assets, the emission of which depend on electronic or digital currencies received on Relictum Pro wallets, digital assets, or cryptocurrencies.

The name of the wrapped coins in Relictum Pro for the convenience of users will be saved.

For example, USDT is USDTR, RBTC is BTC, etc.

What services does the Relictum Pro network provide?

  • Personal digital safe. This service allows a node owner to keep secret data, such as passwords, correspondence on social networks, personal data, and other things. A personal digital safe is designed so that the data is not accessible to anyone except for a node owner; it is not even available for developers.

  • Access service to decentralized oracle data. Such as the exact time, exchange rates, etc.

  • Service access to a decentralized random number generator. A random number generator based on a relic emission. An ideal source of entropy.

  • Smart contracts design service. With its help, you can flexibly customize your processes or simply issue your stable token.

What is distributed storage?

The organization of various chains of smart contracts accelerates the search for fragmented files and their viewing. According to empirical data, the download speed is significantly faster than in the P2P network.

Access Speed – Instant Access

Storage Period – Lifetime

Data Protection: With the use of a Smart Contract – Copyright

Reliability – Absolute Decentralization

Usage environment: All human economic activity.

What is a transaction cost in the Relictum Pro network?

Relictum Pro network is a new generation blockchain network in which you can conduct transactions with any electronic or digital currency, digital assets, cryptocurrencies, the cost of which is the lowest in the world – 0%!

Does Relictum Pro have a referral program?

During the construction of the blockchain network, we offer another program –Remuneration For Friends. You recommend a friend to install our wallet on which we will pay a connection fee, and for that, we will credit you 750 GTN, which at the current rate is $3.00.

What does a hypernet mean?

Hypernet provides a constant stable connection between all nodes for a small limited period of time (from 0.5 to 10 s), depending on the network load.

What is the transaction rate per second on the Relictum Pro network?

The real speed achieved at the moment is 100,000 transactions per second, – according to the results of _Testnet.

One million transactions per second is the estimated productivity rate, when transactions not only go to the network but also return, write blocks in each node.

What to do if private keys are lost?

If you have lost access to private keys, you will no longer be able to regain access to your account. No one except you has a copy of the private key.

How much data is stored in the Relictum Pro system?

Storage of any digitized documents and data set files in any volume with instant access to any stored information.

Distributed data remains in the system forever, unlike any hosting.

​What is royalty?

What is royalty?

Royalty is the permanent passive income of GTN token holders. Royalty is generated from the income of the RelictumPro blockchain.

On the 1st and 15th of every month, 19% of the income of the RelictumPro blockchain network is distributed among the GTN token holders in proportion to the number of tokens held. Only the tokens that are in the blockchain (in a node) participate in receiving royalties.

Royalties are accumulated on the account and you can check the current balance any time.

Last updated